Perunding Jayareka Sdn Bhd

SSM Company No.: 200701030456 (788482-V)
Our Services

Professional M&E Services

Perunding Jayareka Sdn Bhd provides professional M&E engineering consultancy comprising all technical advice and skills for the works for which the contract requires. The professional services rendered by our consultancy for the projects we are engaged in:

  1. Preliminary Stage
  2. Design Stage
  3. Tender Stage
  4. Construction Stage

Preliminary Stage

The professional M&E services to be provided at this stage comprise all or any of the following as may be necessary in a particular contract:

  • investigating data and information relevant to the works and considering any reports relating to the works;
  • advising the client on making any further topographical survey of the proposed site of the works which may be necessary to supplement available topographical information;
  • advising the client on the need to carry out any geo-technical investigation which may be necessary, arranging for the investigation, certifying the amount of any payments to be made to the persons or companies carrying out the investigation under the consulting engineer’s direction, and advising the client on the results of the investigation;
  • advising the client on the need for the carrying out special surveys, special investigations or model tests and advising the client of the results of any such investigations carried
  • consulting any local or other approving authorities on matters in connection with the works;
  • consulting any architect appointed by the client in connection with the architectural treatment of the works;
  • preparing such reports and documents as are necessary to for the client to consider the consulting engineer’s proposals, including alternative proposals, for the construction of the works, and to enable the client to apply for approval from the appropriate authorities for the works to be carried out.

Tender Stage

At this stage, our services comprise of advising the client as to the suitability for carrying out the works of the persons or companies tendering and as to the relative merits of the tenders, but excluding the relative merits of alternative tenders, prices and estimates received for carrying out the works.

Construction Stage

At the construction stage of the project, our services comprise all or any of the following as may be necessary in a particular project:

  • advising on and preparing formal contract documents, including the letter of acceptance for carrying out the works or any part of them;
  • inspecting and testing during manufacture and installation such electrical and mechanical materials, machinery and plant supplied for incorporation in the works as are necessary where the inspection and test are within the technical competence of the consulting engineer, and arranging and
    witnessing the acceptance test;
  • advising the client on the need for a special inspection or test;
  • advising the client on the appointment of site staff;
  • preparing any further designs and drawings relating to the works;
  • examining and approving the contractor’s proposals and his working drawings relating to the works;
  • making such visits to the site as the consulting engineer considers
    necessary to satisfy himself as to the performance of any site staff so that the works are executed generally according to contract or otherwise in accordance with good engineering practice;
  • giving all necessary instructions relating to the works to the contractor;
  • issuing all certificates as are required in the contract;
  • performing any duties which the consulting engineer may be required to carry out under any document which he has prepared for the execution of the works;
  • delivering to the client on the completion of the works such records and manufacturer’s manuals as are reasonably necessary to enable the client to operate and maintain the works;
  • deciding any dispute or difference arising between the client and the contractor in connection with the works, provided that this professional service shall not extend to advising the client following the taking of any step in or towards any arbitration or litigation in connection with the works.

Our Gallery

i-Peak Commercial Centre Lahad Datu
Taman Bukit Putramas Telipok
Bundusan Industrial Park
Plaza Kivatu
Beaufort Lumat Saujana Apartment
Taman Sri Sabandar Tuaran
Beaufort Lumat Saujana Terrace House
Taman Sri Lemawang Tuaran

Meet The Team

Our Philosophy: We bring progressive and hands-on management to the projects that we work on.
Ir Francis Voo Fui Ken

Ir Francis Voo Fui Ken

Director, Electrical Engineer

Ir. Francis Voo has a Bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering (Hons) from the University of Technology Malaysia. He is a registered Professional Engineer with the Board of Engineers Malaysia, a Corporate Member of Institution of Engineers, Malaysia and a Member of Association of Consulting Engineers Malaysia (ACEM).

Ir Losios Kimin

Ir Losios Kimin

Director, Mechanical Engineer

Ir. Losios Kimin has a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering (B.Sc) from Ohio Northern University, in Ada, Ohio, USA. He is a registered Professional Engineer with the Board of Engineers Malaysia, a Member of Institution of Engineers, Malaysia, and a Member of Association of Consulting Engineers Malaysia (ACEM).

Lee Chen Tzin

Lee Chen Tzin

Associate, Electrical Engineer

Mr Lee Chen Tzin has a Bachelor of Engineering degree in (Electronics – Electrical) from Univeristy Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai, Johor. He is the Chief Design Engineer. He is a registered Graduate Engineer with the Board of Engineers, Malaysia.

Perunding Jayareka Sdn Bhd

SSM Company No.: 200701030456 (788482-V)